About OBEC
Since 1987 - The Ontario Building Envelope Council (OBEC) has been bridging the gaps amongst the architectural, engineering, research, manufacturers and construction communities. Our non-profit organization addresses today's challenges facing building performance and sustainability. One of OBEC's keys to success is our dedication to building science education at all levels.
Educational opportunities exist through conferences, technical forums, field trips and our famous monthly dinner presentations. As a member, much of this information is yours free to download from the "Members Only" area of the web site.
Guided by the "Board of Directors" - OBEC is focused on delivering:
- Information forums for the exchange of ideas and information on building science.
- Access to current technical information and best practices.
- Educational programs for the benefit of the building community.
- Guidance on current trends and issues to the research and development community.
- Recommendations regarding improvements to codes and standards.