August 24, 2022 - OBEC News

BSSB Announces first Recipient Brian Shedden Memorial Award

OBEC is pleased to share the following announcement from the Building Science Specialist Board:

Brian Shedden Memorial Award

We are pleased to announce the first recipient of the Brian Shedden Memorial Award – Russell Richman.

Russell has been researching and consulting in the combined fields of building science and sustainable building for over 25 years.  Russell's interest in sustainable building stems from his years in between Master's and Ph.D. degrees, while working as an engineer at Yolles Partnership. During his tenure attending the University of Toronto, Russell had the unique opportunity to study a range of topics comprising building technology, construction, and standards. During his doctorate, Russell realized the implication of continuing to construct buildings to using current methods and standards - a failure to the needs of future generations.  

As a professor at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson), Russell has grown into a national expert on building science theory, building enclosure design, building enclosure materials, and building performance testing.  Russell currently is the Director of the Graduate Program in Building Science within the Department of Architectural Science at Toronto Metropolitan University.  

Russell is a researcher, engineer, and consultant. Using his experience in all three areas, Russell has the ability to develop innovative solutions to the complex problems facing society in the future - particularly the building industry.

Russell will be honoured during the awards dinner at the Canadian Conference on Building Science & Technology being held on Thursday, October 27, 2022 full registration details can be found here.  

Brian was a champion of the BSS designation since its inception.  He obtained his designation in 2005 and worked tirelessly to promote Building Science across the country, most recently as a member of the Building Science Specialist Board.  

The Brian Shedden Memorial Award recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of building science.  The award will be presented to a BSS holder who, within the first 10 years of obtaining their designation, has made outstanding early-career impacts to the field of building science.