OBEC Knowledge Bites

August 14, 2024 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM 2024-08-14 12:00 PM 2024-08-14 01:00 PM OBEC Knowledge Bites OBEC Canada America/New_York

Student Co-Op Session

LFW 101

This presentation is geared towards industry professionals and students seeking valuable insights into prefabricated large format wall systems (LFW), which have gained popularity recently. It’s time to pull back the curtain (wall!) on the key performance considerations and logistic constraints that influence LFW design, as well as its impact on building envelope design that have contributed to its adoption in new construction and retrofits.


Mohammed Dawoud, BSS

Mohammed Dawoud is a professional engineer with a passion for high performance envelope design, focusing on the implementation of sound building science principles while maintaining a constructable approach. He holds a Master of Engineering degree focused on structural engineering as well as professional designations such BSS®, CPHD, NFRC Certified Simulator. As the Technical Development Manager at Ennova Facades, Mohammed is heavily involved in the research and development of prefabricated facade technology suited for Architects’ and designers aiming to achieve a high level of thermal comfort with minimal energy demand.


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