Distinction for Design Award

The OBEC Award of Distinction for Design was initiated in 2009, and is given annually to honour individuals, groups or companies that have completed a design for a new or retrofit installation of a significant component of a building envelope.

The project design must be complete and construction must be underway in 2016. The building itself must be in Ontario.

The Award, although presented to an individual, group or company is given in recognition of a single design that demonstrates innovation in building science in the context of the building envelope. Therefore, to be considered, the project’s design should demonstrate excellence in the design of either a new or retrofit installation to a significant component of the building envelope. Each design will be evaluated based on its durability; cost-efficiency; architectural merit; and reduced energy use.

The honouree(s) will be invited to make a 20-minute presentation on the building system or material for which the Award is presented.

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